About Celestial Koan

Celestial Koan enjoys an all too brief interruption to his research.

Celestial Koan enjoys an all too brief interruption to his research.



Celestial Koan is best understood to be a messenger seeking to bring some wisdom into a world which has too many facts, details, opinions (ignorant and informed), and plenty of knowledge and understanding, but far too little wisdom.

Celestial Koan is an author, so the name can be considered to be a pen name.

Celestial Koan makes presentations, so the name can be considered to be a stage name.

All pen names and stage names can also be considered to be brand names.

Celestial Koan therefore has no birth certificate as such, although he does have a Facebook site.

Celestial Koan’s books and presentations are the work of a single real person, but the wisdoms expressed, and the material on this web site comprise the contributions and work of several people. The site domain is owned by a private company and the name Celestial Koan could therefore be construed to be a business brand name.

Truth and wisdom are valid regardless of who utters them. It is a common Human behaviour to evaluate statements based on ‘who uttered them’ instead of considering their relevance, benefits and veracity in their own right. Celestial Koan regards the messages of wisdom he disseminates as being important. He does not wish people to become distracted by concerns about the messenger.

Celestial Koan would therefore be entirely happy if you went back to the navigation hamburger and did not read further down this page.

However, it is the nature of Humans to be curious about the messenger, so here are some responses to Frequently Asked Questions. Given what is written above, don’t be surprised if you find some of the answers disappointing.