Celestial Koan is certainly spiritual. This is not the same thing as being religious.

CK’s father was an atheist, or at best an agnostic.

CK was definitely not religious in his upbringing or early twenties. He was a seeker after truth, possibly agnostic - certainly not religious.

But God did what he does and CK found himself confronted by revelation. Which puts him in the company of many others who have come to faith reluctantly.

So CK is now a follower of Joshua of Nazareth.

CK has performed extensive study of The Bible and has a reasonable familiarity with Christian theology and practice. Given the breadth of variations in Christian denominations no global familiarity, let alone expertise, is claimed.

CK believes that all major religions have important wisdoms, guidance and insights to offer, and all can form part of our spiritual journey up the mountain. Christianity has no monopoly on love or wisdom. The central Christian mythos does have a lot to offer especially on the topic of grace and forgiveness. This has stood the test of time.

CK continues to learn and study the wisdoms of all major religions. He did not select the name ‘Koan’ without considering many koans.

CK does attend Christian church regularly when he can as part of his worship to the deity he loves. CK likes singing and praising God. CK believes his whole life’s walk forms part of worship. Practicing Tai Chi is part of his worship.

CK recognises that most religions contain a significant core of spiritual truths, but also recognises that many religions as practised have also proven to be obstructions to genuine spiritual development. This is certainly true of Christianity and Islam at various times and places historically, and continues to be all too frequently true today. He also understands that the truths of many religions, and indeed spirituality and consciousness itself, are poorly understood, by both followers and others alike.

CK understands that all major religions promote love, ethics, an understanding that there is a creative force / being, and that there is more to life than this physical universe.

CK is well versed in science and the scientific method, studies and commends it. He also recognises that there are many things which are not amenable to study thereby.