It’s a bit of a mystery, even to me.

Once upon a time in the very early 21st century I did some playing around on Google with names like Celestial. If you do that you will generally find you come up with millions of hits on the SERP. No matter what you type after ‘Celestial’ you will come up with millions of hits. Try it yourself. Try ‘watch’, ‘bodies’, ‘apples’, ‘food’, ‘cabbages’, and so on. Even ‘carrots’ gets 0.8 million hits.

And then, for no reason I can explain, I tried adding ‘Koan’ and got less than a hundred thousand hits. “Strange,” I thought, and went on to other things.

Originally I was writing novels under the intended pen name of Victor Rios (see Victorious) which happened to suit a particular conceit of the fiction rather well. They weren’t particularly connected to the topic of wisdom, although all my writings do contain some profound wisdoms.

However, when it came time to consider the implications of publication and marketing a little research shows that the name Victor Rios is a reasonably common name in the real world, and that books have already been published by a professor of that name.

A re-think was required. I fell back on my methods for finding inspiration, which include prayer.

And some sort of inspiration struck (divine? - quite possibly, but there were certainly no angels involved). The anomalous Google response to Celestial Koan was suddenly front and centre in my thinking with lights and imperatives all around it.

How I came to be focussed on wisdom is a long story for another time, but it happened. How I came to write non-fiction works is in the same basket.

But the end result is that Celestial Koan is now the name, and these activities are now a thing.