Source Names.

Sources of Quotes and other forms of Wislet may not have the source name you are thinking of. For example, do you find Buddha under Buddha or Siddhartha Gautama (his birth name), or Prince Siddhartha Gautama (his birth title), or Gautama Buddha, or Prince Gautama?


Folk Law

Kurdish Folk Law

Turkish Folk Law

Non-Specific Quotations

Anonymous - Author chose anonymity.

Unknown - Specific author is unidentified or uncertain.

Quotations by specific source.

Special Category - Other - quotes from less well known sources.

Adam Smith - Economist - author of Wealth of Nations.

Aesop - Ancient Greek author of Aesop’s Fables.

Albert Einstein - Genius physicist who developed theories of Relativity. Epitome of genius.

Ann Landers - pen name for advice giver Esther Pauline Friedman Lederer.

Anatole France - French poet.

Archimedes - Ancient Greek Inventor

Aristophanes - a comic playwright of ancient Athens and a poet of Old Attic Comedy.

Aristotle - Ancient Greek philosopher

Arthur C Clarke - Sci-fi Author

Benjamin Disraeli - Former British Prime Minister.

Bernard Meltzer - U.S. radio host for the advice call in show “What’s Your Problem” aired from 1967 to the mid 1990s. Wikipedia

Buddha - Prince Gautama Siddhartha Buddha - Founder and Avatar of Buddhism

Celestial Koan - Author and creator of this web site.

Charles M Schulz - Cartoonist - creator of Peanuts / Good Old Charlie Brown

Confucius - Chinese Philosopher and Politician

C S Lewis - Christian Author of Narnia and other works.

Christ - Founder and Avatar of Christianity (aka Jesus, Joshua of Nazareth, Messiah)

Cisero - Marcus Tullius Cicero was a Roman statesman, lawyer, orator and Academic Skeptic philosopher

Dale Carnegie -an American writer and lecturer, and the developer of courses in self-improvement, salesmanship, corporate training, public speaking, and interpersonal skills

Danny Trejo - American actor and reformed addict / criminal.

Desmond Tutu - Native South African Archbishop

Dolly Parton - American country singer and songwriter.

Douglas Adams - Author - Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.

Eleanor Roosevelt - American political figure, diplomat and activist and 1st Lady.

Ella Wheeler Wilcox - American author and poet

Emma Watson - Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson - English actress, (Hermione in Harry Potter)

Euripides - Ancient Greek Playwright

Frank Herbert - Sci-fi Author - Dune

George Santayana - Spanish American philosopher, essayist, poet and novelist.

Hammurabi - Babylonian King (aka King Hammurabi)

Harold B Lee - American religious leader (Mormon President) and educator.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow - American poet and educator.

Herodotus - Ancient Greek historian and author

Isaac Asimov - Noted American Sci-fi author and science explainer / expositionist

John Adams - Second President and Founding Father of the USA.

John Lennon - John Winston Ono Lennon was an English singer, songwriter, musician and peace activist who achieved worldwide fame as the founder, co-songwriter, co-lead vocalist and rhythm guitarist of The Beatles - Fab 4 20th century Popular Music Band.

John Quincy Adams - Sixth President of the USA.

Julian Jaynes - Researcher and author of The Origins of Consciousness in …

Katharine Hepburn - American Actress who won four Academy Awards.

Kent M Keith - American writer and leader in higher education.

King Hammurabi - Babylonian King

King Solomon - Ancient Israel’s second king, noted as ‘The Wisest Man on Earth’.

Lao Tzu - Chinese Philosopher - founder of Taoism (Daoism), reputed author of Tao Te Ching, (aka Laozi)

Margaret Mead - United States anthropologist and author

Marshall McLuhan - Canadian twentieth century Philosopher whose work is the cornerstone of the study of Media Theory

Matshona Dhliwayo - Zimbabwean / Canadian philosopher, entrepreneur and author

Matt Callaway - iconic success guru of the zeitgeist

Michael Moore - US Documentary Film Maker and Reporter

Moses - Israelite prophet and leader, reputed author of the Pentateuch / Torah (First 5 books of Bible)

Ogden Nash - US 20th century Poet.

Pliny the Elder - Roman author

Publius Syrus - Latin Writer

Ralph Waldo Emerson - an American essayist, lecturer, philosopher, and poet who led the transcendentalist movement of the mid-19th century

Robert A Heinlein - an American Science Fiction author of the 20th century.

Roger Bacon - Philosopher

Saint Augustine - Christian Theologian

Saint Paul - Christian Bible Writer, Saint and Theologian

Sir Francis Bacon - English Philosopher, Statesman and Author

Stephen Chbosky - American novelist, screenwriter and director.

Theodore Roosevelt - 26th US President - 1901 to 1909

Thomas Jefferson - (April 13, 1743 – July 4, 1826) was an American statesman, diplomat, lawyer, architect, philosopher, and Founding Father who served as the third president of the United States from 1801 to 1809 and second vice president of the United States from 1797 to 1801. He was the principal author of the Declaration of Independence

Thomas Wolfe (Thomas Clayton Wolfe) is a 20th century American novelist

Warren Buffet - Billionaire Investor

William Bennett (William John Bennett) is an American conservative pundit, politician, and political theorist, who served as Secretary of Education from 1985 to 1988 under President Ronald Reagan. He also held the post of Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy under George H. W. Bush. He wrote The Children’s Book of Virtues and 10 other books.

William Shakespeare - English playwright and poet (aka Shakespeare, The Bard, The Bard of Avon)

Do you find Jesus under Jesus Christ (Jesus Christos is the latinised version of his name and subsequent title) , or Joshua of Nazareth (close to his Hebrew name) , or just Christ ( a latin version of his title), or Joshua the Messiah (the ancient Hebrew version)?

Is Shakespeare under Shakespeare, or William Shakespeare, or perhaps even The Bard or The Bard of Avon?

Is King Solomon under Solomon or King Solomon?

We can’t put everyone under every possible name, so you may find it helpful to look at our Name Index to find now we refer to him or her on this site.

The source of some Wislets is Unknown.

And the source of others is Anonymous

While others are Folk

What’s the difference?

Unknown means there was a person who created that quotation, but we aren’t sure who it was, or who said it first. For example, there are quotations from The Bible, whee we don’t know who actually wrote that part of The Bible.

For example, The Book of Proverbs is commonly attributed to King Solomon, but scholars know that he didn’t come up with all those proverbs himself, and certainly didn’t write The Book of Proverbs.

You may find a Proverb listed under Solomon or under Anonymous.

And in some cases we have used the fictional source of a Wislet. For example, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote the Sherlock Holmes stories, but the phrase, “My dear Watson …” is intimately associated with Sherlock Holmes the fictional character.

Anonymous means it was deliberately written anonymously by someone who didn’t want their name to be known or connected with the statement.

And Folk means it’s folk wisdom from the past, used for a long time, and