We recommend users read and understand the SITE STRUCTURE page before continuing here.


Users are naturally welcome to browse The Blog and dip into what they will. There’s certainly no harm in it, and many of us, including CK, sometimes while away a pleasant hour in Wikipedia doing much the same. However, one may pick up some odd smatterings of knowledge and wisdom this way, but it’s unlikely to achieve very much.

Wisdom derives from diversity of perspectives. The site is structured to assist in examining topics and obtaining this diversity of perspectives. I understand that the site navigation and text may occasionally make the users feel as if they are being railroaded to some extent into particular viewpoints. Users are invited to voice alternative views in The Blog comments, and to drop us an email for further consideration. We embrace learning and diversity. That said, we encourage users to follow the site navigation, because there are usually good reasons and evidence to support the perspectives this site offers. Only when users have come to appreciate the full picture are they likely to be in a position to wisely evaluate the validity of the perspective. The following blog item about the relationship and navigation between The Blog and the Oracle with its Portal navigation may help. Link here.


This site isn’t intended to provide users with a complete source of wisdom, and happily it doesn’t need to. There are lots of sources of wisdom around, and this site is designed to work with them, and to provide links and direction to them. Celestial Koan writes books which are designed to be used in conjunction with this site. This site includes The Worm Guide, and extensive links to Wikipedia, Quora, and other great sources for finding knowledge, understanding and wisdom.

If we manage to develop in the way we would like it will also include some video, podcast, lecture, and even debate forums. Meantime we’ll keep pointing you in the right direction to other sources with our recommendations and links.

And if you have any recommendations of great sources, contact us by email and we’ll be delighted to add pointers and links for the benefit of all.