Are We Earth's Disease Or Its Keepers?
Well, if you believe Genesis we are supposed to keep and manage God’s special creation - the Earth.
But then according to Genesis, Adam had a big fail.
And the sons of Adam have been doing a whole lot of failing ever since.
Leaving Genesis aside, yes it makes sense for us to be keepers of the planet, because:
No other species can.
It could certainly benefit from a keeper.
It’s the only planet we have, and we have to live here too.
However, despite all this wonderful intelligent intellect and consciousness we have on top of our otherwise fairly standard creature brain, we are also very much a creature, and we have a tendency to behave in the way our innate creature nature dictates.
Almost all life forms breed to and beyond the limits of the available resources. In other words their population is only limited by the resources they can obtain. And yes - plenty of diseases reproduce so much that they actually kill the host.
Humanity is behaving in very much this way with planet Earth.
Unfortunately Agent Smith in The Matrix was somewhat right on that point, we are behaving like a disease.
Now let’s get this right; there are many many millions of humans who are not behaving this way, are not over reproducing, and are doing wonderful things to help the environment and ecology.
But overall - not enough, and too many humans are still over reproducing and too many others also are not giving adequate concern for the global ecology.
And religions / denominations that declare that contraception and abortion and euthanasia are sins don’t really help.
So - yes - another spectacular human fail.
Yes - humanity is still behaving like a normal creature or life form despite having intelligence.
And yes - diseases behave this way too.
CK is greatly saddened to have to answer this way, but … that’s where we are at.